
all are kutubi

This website is for Kutubdia & its people from around the world..

Who We Are

Kutubdia Island is a picturesque island located in the Bay of Bengal, off the southeastern coast of Bangladesh. It is the largest and easternmost of the islands in the Cox's Bazar district. The island is known for its natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and the resilience of its people in the face of various challenges.

Geography and Environment: Kutubdia Island is characterized by its sandy shores, mangrove forests, and tidal rivers. The island's landscape is shaped by the ever-changing tides, creating a dynamic and unique environment. The presence of mangrove ecosystems not only contributes to the island's ecological diversity but also serves as a natural buffer against coastal erosion.

People and Culture: The residents of Kutubdia Island are a diverse and vibrant community, with a rich cultural heritage. The majority of the population is engaged in traditional livelihoods such as fishing and agriculture. Fishing, in particular, is a significant part of their daily lives, providing both sustenance and economic support.

Despite facing challenges such as the impact of climate change, rising sea levels, and cyclones, the people of Kutubdia Island exhibit remarkable resilience. They have adapted to the challenges posed by the dynamic environment and continue to maintain a strong connection to their cultural roots.

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beauty of kutubdia, kutubdia.com

About Us

Kutubdia Island is not only a place of natural beauty but also home to a resilient and culturally rich community. The island's people, with their adaptability and strong community bonds, exemplify the strength and spirit needed to navigate the complexities of living in a dynamic coastal environment.

Since 2004

Challenges and Resilience: Kutubdia Island is no stranger to the adverse effects of climate change. Rising sea levels, cyclones, and erosion pose significant threats to the island's existence. The residents, however, have demonstrated incredible resilience, employing various strategies to cope with these challenges. From building embankments to creating community-based disaster management plans, the people of Kutubdia actively work towards sustainable solutions.

Community Spirit: The community on Kutubdia Island is known for its close-knit and supportive nature. During times of adversity, the residents come together to help one another, showcasing a strong sense of solidarity. This spirit of community collaboration is instrumental in facing the environmental and social challenges that the island encounters.

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Recent Causes

  • Personal Growth: Engaging in charitable activities may push you out of your comfort zone, exposing you to new experiences and perspectives. This can contribute to personal growth and self-discovery, leading to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

  • Legacy and Impact: Contributing to charitable causes allows individuals to leave a positive impact and create a legacy. Knowing that your actions have the potential to create lasting change or improvements in the lives of others can be deeply fulfilling.


Save Homeless People

Support them
Goal: $65000
Collected: $65000

Save Homeless People

Any support make them happy
Goal: $65000
Collected: $65000

Save Homeless People

Nothing is impossible
Goal: $65000
Collected: $65000
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Completed Causes

Upcoming Events

Improving the well-being and happiness of the people of Kutubdia involves addressing various aspects of their lives, including socio-economic development, healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability. Here are some ways to contribute to the betterment of Kutubdia's community:


Peoples from donation

05:00 PM, 31 December, 2024

  1. Support Sustainable Livelihoods: Invest in initiatives that promote sustainable livelihoods, such as providing training and resources for alternative income-generating activities beyond traditional fishing. This could include eco-friendly tourism, handicrafts, or sustainable agriculture projects.

  2. Education and Skill Development: Support education programs and vocational training to enhance the skills of the residents. This will empower them to access better job opportunities and improve their overall quality of life.

  3. Healthcare Access: Contribute to healthcare infrastructure and services. Ensure that the community has access to essential healthcare facilities, medical supplies, and preventive healthcare programs. Support initiatives that focus on maternal and child health, as well as disease prevention.


Save the children

05:00 PM, 25 December, 2021

  1. Community Empowerment: Facilitate community-led initiatives that empower residents to actively participate in decision-making processes. This could include workshops on community organization, leadership development, and awareness campaigns on environmental conservation.

  2. Environmental Conservation: Collaborate with environmental organizations to promote sustainable practices and conservation efforts. This may involve mangrove plantation programs, waste management projects, and initiatives to address the impacts of climate change.

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Save Homeless People

Help Homeless People to build house
Goal : ৳ 10,00,000
Collected : ৳ 100000
Donation : ৳ 10

Countdown Timer Expired


Charity Donors

Acts of charity often stem from a genuine desire to help others. When you engage in charitable activities, you are expressing empathy and compassion for those who may be facing challenges or less fortunate circumstances. Knowing that your actions are positively impacting someone else's life can bring a deep sense of fulfillment.


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wAnt to help

While the motivation for engaging in charitable activities can vary among individuals, the common thread is the potential for personal satisfaction derived from making a positive impact on the lives of others and the world at large. It's important to note that genuine altruism is the primary driver for a lasting sense of satisfaction in charitable endeavors.
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